
Grants markup guide

All metadata records and identifiers registered with Crossref are submitted as XML formatted using our metadata input schema. Unlike other objects registered with Crossref, grants have their own grant-specific input schema. Version 0.1.1 of our Grants schema is available in our GitLab schema repository, as is a complete XML example.

Please note: as of version 0.1.1 a version attribute is required in the <doi_batch> schema declaration, for example:

<doi_batch xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.1.1">

Members currently using version 0.0.1 do not need to provide a version number.

Grant and project metadata

Grant metadata by default includes a single or multiple projects. Multiple projects may be applied to a single grant but the DOI registered is applied at the grant level. Multiple grants may be included in a single XML file.

The metadata within each project includes basics like titles, descriptions, and investigator information (including affiliations), funding information such as funder names and identifiers from the Funder Registry, as well as information about funding types and amounts.

When registering a grant:

  • you must include required project information (a project title, a funder name and identifier, and a funding type) as well as your internal grant or award number
  • you should include a project description, language information, investigator details including ORCID IDs, ROR IDs within affiliations, and investigator country code; award amounts/currency, and project start and end dates and/or an award date (note that project or grant start/end dates are used to calculate current vs. backfile content registration fees).
  • you may include multiple titles and descriptions as well as language information; a funding scheme, and planned project start and end dates.

Project metadata

Project: Project metadata includes titles and descriptions (abstracts). Both can be supplied multiple times to capture information in different languages.

Element / attributeDescriptionLimits
projectContainer for project information. Multiple projects may be assigned to a single Grant ID.required; multiple allowed
project-titleTitle of a project funded by the grant being registeredrequired; multiple allowed
descriptionUsed to capture an abstract or description of a project.optional; multiple allowed
@xml:langUse @xml:lang to identify language for each project-title or description. This allows you to provide multiple titles in different languages.optional

Investigators: Investigators are not required, but all applicable investigators should be included. Optional start and end dates may be used to capture investigators whose involvement is limited to a specific timeframe.

Element / attributeDescriptionLimits
investigatorscontainer for investigator informationoptional
personcontainer for individual investigator detailsat least 1 required, multiple allowed (unbounded)
@roleavailable roles are lead_investigator, co-lead_investigator, investigatorrequired
@start-dateDate an investigator began work with the projectoptional
@end-dateDate an investigator ended work with the projectoptional
givenNamegiven or first nameoptional
familyNamefamily or surnameoptional
alternateNamealias or nickname used by the Investigatoroptional
affiliationcontainer for affiliation informationoptional, multiple allowed
institutioninstitution an investigator is affiliated with when associated with the project being defined. Multiple affiliations should be supplied where applicable1 allowed, use multiple affiliation groups for investigators with multiple affiliations
@countryISO 3166-1 alpha 2-letter country code, captures location (country) of affiliationoptional
RORA ROR ID may be supplied to disambiguate affiliation information, expressed as a URLoptional
ORCIDORCID ID of the investigator, expressed as a URLoptional

Funding details: Funding details include award amount, currency, funder details, and funding type.

Element / attributeDescriptionLimits
award-amounttotal overall amount awarded to projectoptional
@currencyISO 4217 currency for value provided in award-amountrequired
fundingcontainer for funding information. Use multiple funding sections as needed to specify different funding typesrequired, multiple allowed
@amountamount of funding provided by funderoptional
@currencyISO 4217 currency for value provided in @amountoptional
@funding-percentagepercentage of overall fundingoptional
@funding-typetype of funding provided, values are limitedrequired
@null-amountsupply for projects where an award amount is missing or can’t be disclosed - allowed values are: unknown, undisclosed, not-applicable otheroptional
funder-namename of the funderrequired
funder-idfunder identifier from our Funder Registryrequired
funding-schemescheme for grant or award as provided by the funderoptional

Award dates: Dates can be applied at the project level (via award-date). An award-start-date may also be applied to the grant / award as a whole.

Element / attributeDescriptionLimits
award-datescontainer for date informationoptional
@start-dateactual start date of awardoptional
@end-dateactual end date of the awardoptional
@planned-start-dateplanned start date of awardoptional
@planned-end-dateplanned end date of awardoptional

Funding types: Types of funding are limited to the following values:

  • award: a prize, award, or other type of general funding
  • contract: agreement involving payment
  • crowdfunding: funding raised via multiple sources, typically small amounts raised online
  • endowment: gift of money that will provide an income
  • equipment: use of or gift of equipment
  • facilities: use of location, equipment, or other resources
  • fellowship: grant given for research or study
  • grant: a monetary award
  • loan: money or other resource given in anticipation of repayment
  • other: award of undefined type
  • prize: an award given for achievement
  • salary-award: an award given as salary, includes intramural research funding
  • secondment: detachment of a person or resource for temporary assignment elsewhere
  • seed-funding: an investor invests capital in exchange for equity
  • training-grant: grant given for training

Grant metadata

We collect grant-specific metadata that is separate from the project information. This includes the funder-specific award identifier (grant number), the (optional) start date of the grant, related items, and the DOI and URL being registered.

Element / attributeDescriptionLimits
award-numberfunder-supplied award ID /grant numberrequired
award-start-datestart date of grant fundingoptional
relation (as rel:program)relationship metadata connecting grant to other items (other grants, funded research outputs)optional
DOIDOI being registeredrequired
resourceURL of grant landing pagerequired

Page owner: Patricia Feeney   |   Last updated 2023-September-15